Horticulture growers and traders have responded positively to Australian Competition and Consumer Commission warnings to toe the line on the Horticulture Code of Conduct, ACCC Chairman, Mr Graeme Samuel, said today.

"Shortly after its introduction, the ACCC warned representatives of some trader associations, and individual traders, about apparent attempts to circumvent the code.

"The ACCC has had encouraging responses from some traders and associations to bring their horticulture produce agreements into line with the code regulations.

"After liaison with the ACCC, a number of central markets, chambers, individual traders and growers amended agreements to remove non-compliant clauses.

"The ACCC believes this is, in most part, a positive reaction from those in the horticulture industry to ensure compliance with the code.

"But some growers and traders continue to ignore the warnings. Some still trade in horticulture produce without an appropriate agreement. There are still template agreements being used in the marketplace that include clauses that the ACCC considers may breach the code.

"The ACCC continues to investigate complaints about non-compliant agreements. It will not hesitate to take enforcement action against those who continue in a non-compliant manner."

The ACCC will further liaise with growers, traders and their associations to promote compliance with the Horticulture Code. It encourages all growers and traders to only enter into Horticulture Produce Agreements that are compliant with the Horticulture Code.