From bean bags to bicycles, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is acting to keep dangerous products off the market.

Businesses as well as consumers will benefit from a recent series of publications by the ACCC concerning the mandatory safety and information standards that apply to certain products.

The ACCC has issued guides to standards for bean bags, exercise cycles, pedal bicycles, paper patterns for children's nightwear, elastic luggage straps, balloon-blowing kits and cosmetics.

These guides contain information about standards or regulations that apply to each product, as well as guidance for retailers and suppliers to ensure that the goods they stock comply. Consumers will also have a better idea of what to look out for if they suspect a product does not meet a safety standard.

The ACCC is responsible for enforcing the mandatory consumer product safety and information standards. It regularly conducts random surveys of retail outlets throughout Australia to detect non-complying products and to liaise with suppliers. These surveys provide an overall picture of retailer and wholesaler compliance.

The ACCC also responds to allegations by consumers and suppliers about non-complying goods, and conducts awareness campaigns such as this one.

In the event that such a non-complying product is detected, the ACCC ensures it is taken off the shelves and a product recall may be instigated at the supply source. Recent product recalls have ranged from vehicle trolley jacks that failed load tests, to sunglasses that caused blurred vision and misjudgment of distance.

Businesses, including retailers, are advised to pay close attention to the product safety requirements, as significant penalties may be imposed under the Trade Practices Act for failure to comply.

These penalties are up to $200 000 for corporations and $40 000 for individuals. The Trade Practices Act also provides for injunctions, damages and corrective advertising.

The ACCC has recently taken action on a number of product safety issues. These actions included securing penalties against Dimmeys Stores for selling bikes that were only fitted with a single brake, and had drive chains, seats and handlebars which did not comply with the mandatory standard. These bikes were also supplied without proper instructions for use and maintenance.

In addition to the requirements of the Trade Practices Act, businesses and consumers should be aware of the relevant state and territory safety standards. Those seeking further information on state and territory laws should contact their local consumer affairs or fair trading office.

Further information on product safety and standards is available on the ACCC website (see Related topics). This site is regularly updated with news on mandatory standards, bans and recalls, as well as media releases and links to other useful sites.

If you would like a free copy of the product safety booklets, please contact Robert Booth on (02) 6243 1143.