The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has instituted proceedings in the Federal Court against Wilson Parking Australia 1992 Pty Ltd alleging that Wilson misrepresented the number of mobile security patrol inspection services it had provided to certain customers.

The ACCC alleges that between October 2007 and September 2008, Wilson issued monthly invoices to those customers representing that the contracted security inspections had been made but did not inform them that Wilson had missed making a number of inspections.

The ACCC alleges that Wilson did not reduce the invoiced amounts nor did it provide refunds, rebates or credits for missed inspections.

The ACCC alleges that the conduct breaches ss52 and 53(aa) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 and is seeking declarations, injunctions, costs and orders that Wilson inform all affected customers of these proceedings and implements a trade practices law compliance program.

A directions hearing has been set down for 21 October in the Federal Court, Perth before Justice Barker.