
  • Agilent Technologies Inc


  • Varian Inc


Competition analysis

A Public Competition Assessment will be published in due course.

Public competition assessment

Document title Date
Public Competition Assessments


Document title Date
Final 87B Undertakings


Date Event

ACCC received submission from the merger parties.

ACCC requested information from the merger parties.

ACCC commenced review under the Merger Review Process Guidelines. Market inquiries commenced.

ACCC received further information from the merger parties.

Closing date for submissions from interested parties.

ACCC requested further information from the merger parties. ACCC timeline suspended.

ACCC requested further information from the merger parties.

ACCC received further information from the merger parties, in response to the ACCC's request of 25 November 2009. ACCC timeline remains suspended, pending receipt of the parties' response to the ACCC's request of 2 December 2009.

Former proposed date for announcement of ACCC's findings, amended to allow for provision of further information by the merger parties.

ACCC received further information from the merger parties, in response to the ACCC's request of 2 December 2009. ACCC timeline recommenced.

ACCC received a further submission from the merger parties.

Former proposed date for announcement of ACCC's findings, amended to allow the ACCC to consider the further submission provided by the merger parties on 4 March 2010.

ACCC announced it would not oppose the proposed acquisition, subject to a court enforceable undertaking offered by the merger parties.

Section 87B undertaking accepted by ACCC.

The ACCC requested further information from the merger parties during this review, resulting in the timeline being suspended for 49 business days.