The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has obtained interim orders in the Federal Court, restraining Billbusters Pty Limited and its director Miles Kendrick -Smith from:

  • representing that it performs audit services on accounts or invoices of Telstra;
  • using or dealing in any manner howsoever with moneys received from its customers for the purpose of paying accounts or invoices of Telstra;
  • representing that the ACCC has the power to prevent Telstra from disconnecting telephones of Telstra customers.
Pending the trial of the matter Billbusters and Miles Kendrick-Smith are restrained from dealing with their assets.

Billbusters' customers who have been notified by Telstra of impending disconnection are advised to contact Telstra to discuss what options are open to them to avoid disconnection if they have not already done so.

Telstra has provided a toll free number for consumers to contact: 1800 011 333.